Foundations that we use today Even though it’s the same brand. same texture But have you noticed why the results are different. This depends on the equipment we use to apply foundation, which many girls probably encounter problems with. How to choose foundation that is appropriate for your skin type, such as oil-controlling, dewy, and shiny foundation. Should it be liquid or cream? In addition to taking into account the product itself How you apply foundation is equally important. Because it will determine how smooth and beautiful our skin will be. Therefore we have How to apply foundation with a brush, sponge, and fingers to get smooth skin with a simple trick to tell you which type is best for your skin.

I want to apply foundation to get smooth, glowing skin. The foundation texture blends well with the skin. Foundation is long-lasting, not flaky, not stained. Choosing a ยูฟ่าเบท foundation cream that’s right for your skin alone is not enough. You must choose a foundation application device that is suitable for your skin. And choose the one that is suitable for our foundations as well.
Apply foundations with the sponge with the cut end.
Makeup sponges are makeup tools that come in many shapes, including round, oval, square, and cut ends. But when applying foundation, apply foundation with a cut end sponge. It’s a method of applying foundation that helps preserve details in hard-to-reach parts very well. The sponge will absorb excess foundation. It doesn’t look too thick. But still provides good skin coverage. It provides medium to high coverage after applying foundation. It will give you a smooth, glowing skin look.
What skin type is it suitable for: Suitable for all skin types.
- Advantages: Easy to apply foundation, convenient and fast, suitable for beginners learning to apply makeup.
- Disadvantage: It is the device that eats up the most foundation.
Apply foundation with fingers.
Applying foundation with fingers It’s an easy, economical, and convenient way to apply foundation. Can be applied to both liquid and cream foundations. Suitable for light, natural makeup looks because it can cover the skin at a light – medium level. The temperature from our hands helps warm up the product and set it well.
What type of skin is it suitable for: Suitable for people with dry to normal skin. (People who rarely have skin problems)
- Advantages: Does not absorb foundation / Temperature from our hands helps in warming up the product and setting it well.
- Disadvantages: If you apply too much foundation unevenly, it may easily cause stains.
Apply foundation with a makeup brush.
Applying foundation with a makeup brush It is a method of applying foundation that focuses on concealing skin marks and various wrinkles on the face because foundation is applied with a brush. It can conceal the skin and blur the pores very well. After applying foundation, you will have smooth skin.
What type of skin is it suitable for: Suitable for people with normal to oily skin.
- Advantages: Can be applied quickly, conveniently, provides high skin coverage.
- Disadvantages: Brushes eat foundation / some types of brushes may leave marks on the bristles. Makes the skin not smooth.
Apply foundation with a silicone puff.
Applying foundation with a silicone puff It feels like using your hands to apply foundation. It’s different in the temperature of our hands when applying foundation. It helps warm up the product better than silicone. But the silicone puff It is considered another method of applying foundation that is quite easy. Because the silicone puff is soft, smooth, and does not eat into the foundation. and gives a smooth, even surface. The foundation blends well with the skin.
What kind of skin is it suitable for: Suitable for people with relatively good skin.
- Advantages: The silicone puff does not eat into the foundation. Makes saving on foundation / easy to clean.
- Disadvantages: Blending the foundation texture or seepage of the foundation surface It may not be as good as using your hands.